Today's show is about extinguishing a drone battery fire. We dispel some common misconceptions and reveal the best solution so that you can avert any disaster. Our caller for today, Bob tuned in to our previous show,
Today's question is about the new executive order issued by President Trump on January 18, 2021. Just before President Trump ended his term, he signed a bunch of executive orders - one of them being Executive Order 13981 on January 18, 2021. Titled "
Today's show is about the current drone industry trend that has become really popular lately. Our caller for today, Tom has come up with a great question that has not been asked on Ask Drone U before. Tom's question is about the current drone industry trend where manufacturers are charging extra
Today's question is about drone laws. Specifically, what should a drone pilot do when flying near manned aircraft? Our caller for today, German is from Florida. Recently, when flying his drone at a 200 feet altitude, he came dangerously close to a helicopter. So, can helicopters legally fly at
Today's show is about the DJI Crystalsky. Experienced pilot and Drone U's newest instructor, Tom has called in with a great question today. Considering the US's toughening stance towards Chinese
Today's show is about the all-new Sony Airpeak Drone. Recently, Sony unveiled a new prosumer grade drone at CES 2021. This new drone, The Sony Airpeak comes with an FPV camera, obstacle avoidance, and an impressive payload. Mounting
Today's show is about the commercial viability of the DJI Mavic Air 2. Our caller for today, Matt files a DJI Mavic Air 2. Matt is wondering if he can use this beginner drone for commercial drone photography and videography. Can Matt compete with drone pilots who fly more expensive drones like the
Today's show is about a drone crash. Can you get into trouble for NOT retrieving your drone after a crash? Our caller for today, Gavin recently crashed his DJI Mavic Air 2 in a canyon.
In today's show, we share our predictions for the drone industry in 2021. 2020 was a particularly turbulent year for the drone industry. Along with the pandemic, we also witnessed a significant increase in the anti-China rhetoric which compounded troubles for industry
Today's question is about affordable drones that can be used for creating content for social media. Specifically, we discuss the DJI Mavic Mini 2, DJI Mavic Air 2, and DJI
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